Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Winds of Change

The Winds of Change are sweeping through our industry.....especially if you are a baby boomer in the aviation business.  Or any industry for that matter.

Well for the last few months we have been noticing so many of our fellow aviation professionals speaking of extended unemployment or being in a position that is much less than what they are accustomed to.

And after much thought and exploring alternatives, we have decided to do something about it.

So the winds of change can be bad at times........but many times it brings good changes as well.

Without going into exactly what we are exploring at this time......let's just say that if you are struggling in this industry like so many of your fellow professionals.......you may want to keep an eye on our site for some new changes that will be coming soon in the next month or two.

So......come on back soon and see what we are up to!

See you then........